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Baranov Group

Nanochemistry and Spectroscopy (NAS)

(July 2024) Left to right: Robin Eriksson (project assistant), Marzo López Cerón (project assistant), Matheus Ferreira (PhD student), Dmitry Baranov (PI), Lorenzo Tallarini (PhD student), Yong Li (postdoc), Baptiste Gastin (Erasmus+). Not pictured: Chenxu Jiao (M.Sc.)


Understanding and controlling materials from chemistry and physics perspectives are essential for progress. We aim to advance the development of nanomaterials through close interaction between nanochemistry and spectroscopy. The group’s current objectives are nanocrystal synthesis, self-assembly, and the elucidation of structure-property relationships.

Nanocrystal synthesis and self-assembly

Colloidal nanocrystals are solution-processed materials at the intersection of atoms, molecules, and bulk crystals. When put together into artificial solids, also known as assemblies or superlattices, nanocrystals interact and display cooperative behavior, resulting in novel functionalities. Within this research direction, we are working to produce desired nanocrystals and control their self-assembly to enable these exciting opportunities.

Team:Matheus Ferreira, Baptiste Gastin

Optical spectroscopy and x-ray diffraction

Optical spectroscopy and x-ray scattering are tools which enable understanding of what is going on with and in the nanocrystals, and give an idea what these materials are useful for. Within this research direction we apply and develop methods for advanced spectroscopic and structural studies of the nanomaterials and light-matter interactions. Naturally, it is a collaborative enterprise where we are fortunate to have opportunity to interact with the unique spectroscopy infrastructure at the Division of Chemical Physics and Lund University.

Team: Lorenzo Tallarini, Marzo López Cerón, Robin Eriksson

Collective properties

Synchronization of metronomes (video 1), fireflies (video 2), people (video 3) are some of the fascinating examples of collective phenomena rooted in energy release and feedback. Engineering such effects in artificial materials is challenging yet attractive because it tests exisiting paragidms of materials design and promises potentially novel functionalities. Within this research direction, we are working to get a better insight into phenomena of superradiance and superfluorescence of luminescent materials.

Team: Everyone

Photoluminescent metal halides

Inorganic and hybrid metal halides hold a special place in the landscape of light-emitting materials because of their diverse photophysics and structure-property tunability, resulting in bright photoluminescence phenomena. Within this research direction, we aim to explore and adapt novel metal halides for optoelectronic applications and basic insights into light-matter interaction.

Team: Dr. Yong Li, Chenxu Jiao

Prior research

Open positions

We are seeking a post-doctoral fellow to develop and enhance the polarized photoluminescence of halide perovskites. The goal is to create advanced next-generation light sources, including light-emitting diodes, color converters, micro-lasers, and superfluorescent emitters. Have a look and apply: post-doctoral fellow in nanochemistry and spectroscopy.

Selected Publications

Aging of Self-Assembled Lead Halide Perovskite Nanocrystal Superlattices: Effects on Photoluminescence and Energy Transfer (Open Access), Baranov D, Fieramosca A, Yang RX, Polimeno L, Lerario G, Toso S, Giansante C, De Giorgi M, Tan LZ, Sanvitto D, Manna L, ACS Nano, 2021, 15, 650-664;
















Exploiting the Transformative Features of Metal Halides for the Synthesis of CsPbBr3@SiO2 Core–Shell Nanocrystals (Open Access), Rossi C, Scarfiello R, Brescia R, Goldoni L, Caputo G, Carbone L, Colombara D, De Trizio L, Manna L, Baranov D, Chemistry of Materials, 2022, 34, 1, 405-413;















  • The work has been highlighted as one of the 35 most cited and read papers in Chemistry of Materials in 2022!
















Collective Diffraction Effects in Perovskite Nanocrystal Superlattices (Open Access), Toso S, Baranov D, Filippi U, Giannini C, Manna L, Acc. Chem. Res. 2023, 56, 1, 66–76;