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Scheblykin Group

General activity

The group of Prof. Ivan Scheblykin is focused on studying optical properties of functional materials in the field of organic photovoltaics. The methods used are mostly developed in-house together with two inverted fluorescence microscopes. By manipulating both the excitation and emission with respect to spectral bandwidth, excitation power, polarization amongst others, one can really create an experiment that studies one specific property. By separately studying one part from an ensemble (such as a single dye or a nano-crystal), fundamental processes on the nano-scale can be understood to enhance understanding of how the material on the larger scale should be technologically developed.

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Some of the methods employed in the lab:

Single Molecule Spectroscopy

2D POLarization IMaging

Super-resolution Luminescence Microspectroscopy (SuperLuMS)


Former members

Alexander Dobrovolsky (Post-doctoral fellow)

Marina Gerhard (Post-doctoral fellow)

Daniela Täuber (Post-doctoral fellow)

Aboma Merdasa (PhD student) 

Mirko Goldmann (Bachelor student)

Jonas Stöber (Bachelor student)

Elin Källman (Master student)

Monojit Bag (post-doc) - now an Assistant Professor in Roorkee, India

Yuxi Tian (post-doc) - now a Professor in Nanjing University, China

Ruiyun Chen (Post-doctoral fellow) - now an Associate Professor in Shanxi University, China

Rafael Camacho (PhD student) - now a post-doctoral fellow at KU Leuven

Matthias Meyer (Post-doctoral fellow) - now in New Zealand

Prof. Ivan Scheblykin

Collaboration with:

Prof. Olle Inganäs, Prof. Fengling Zhang, Dr. Feng Gao (Linköping, Sweden)

Dr. Eva Unger (Berlin, Germany & Lund, Sweden)

Prof. Ellen Moons (Karlstad, Sweden)

Prof. Pavel Frantsuzov (Novosibirsk, Russia)

Prof. Andrey Naumov, Dr. Ivan Eremchev (Moscow, Russia)

Prof. Dr. Yana Vaynzov (Dresden, Germany)

Dr. Jesper WallentinDr. Ivan Maximov (Lund, Sweden)

Prof. Ergan Wang (Göthenborg, Sweden)

Funded by:

Vetenskapsrådet, Crafoord foundation, Knut&Alice Wallenberg foundation, Kungliga Fysiografiska Sälskapet, Wenner-Gren foundation, NanoLund.